In 2023, Mátyás Dunajcsik's first book of poems in German, "Verlorene Gedichte", was published by parasitenpresse. When he asked me if he could use some of my drawings as illustrations for the book, I said yes without thinking!

The drawings were done around May and June 2021, which was a really difficult and complicated period of my life.
I didn't select the drawings, Mátyás chose from hundreds of graphics – all from my notebooks. It's interesting to see how my struggles' "recordings" resonate with his poems.
Perhaps this is the best way to show my notebook drawings to the public!

We used a total of six of my drawings, two for the cover – front and back – and four for the inside pages. Before printing, I had to "clean" them.

For the front cover, we used one of my inktober drawings from 2022.

The author of the book!