The amazing team at Hackrate gave me the task of redrawing their previous stock images into my own graphics for a website showcasing their services.
It was fantastic that they wanted a unique look rather than a familiar visual world – and the space-astronaut theme made the job particularly enjoyable!
Time-lapse drawing
Left to right: reference stock image - sketch - finalized drawing
Managed Bug Bounty Program
Managed Bug Bounty Program
Managed Vulnerability Disclosure Policy
Managed Vulnerability Disclosure Policy
Controlling and monitoring pentest projects.
Controlling and monitoring pentest projects.
Make security testing transparent.
Make security testing transparent.
Vulnerability Scan
Vulnerability Scan
global community of ethical hackers is a guarantee against software bugs.
global community of ethical hackers is a guarantee against software bugs.
Penetration Testing as a Service
Penetration Testing as a Service
Finished drawings
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